— ( ☆ ) IMPOSTER   a private & selective, booster gold from detective comics, as written by madrox. / est. june 2020; revamp. february 2023.

rules & regulations

MADROX | 23 | SHE / HER | DUTCH | GMT+1 / CET      

 01  I am selective & mutually exclusive. If I follow you, I would like to write with you. If I don't follow you back, DO NOT like my starter calls, like my threads or send me IC asks. OOC asks are fine. I'm not duplicate friendly. (This includes multi-muses.) 02  I try and adhere to "literate" writing, and will write at least a paragraph or two. I do not expect my partners to match my length. That being said, I am low activity and ask you do not pressure me for replies. I used to heavily format my replies, although I am trying to tone it down. 03  Regular roleplay guidelines apply, see: no godmodding, be nice to each other, etc. I will try and tag all major triggersas best as I can. If you need anything tagged, please let me know. Triggers will be tagged as: blood // 04  DO NOT INTERACT if: you have a problematic face claim (you know who you are), white wash characters, are okay with incest (adoptive family included), are homophobic, etc. [ ... ] Also DNI if you are part of these fandoms: Steven Universe & Harry Potter. (This includes multi-muses & verses.) 05  Please soft-block me if you unfollow me. 06  Carrd template is by asuraidart. PSD is by ashtynrph (edited). The smallest icon border is by somresources; the larger icon border is made using assets from supersources 07  I'm Madrox (she/her), 23, and I was born and raised in the Netherlands (GMT+1).
You can also find me @ 2814-2 (Guy Gardner).


 BARBARA GORDON / ORACLE. DC Comicsrollingthundcr
 BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN. DC Comicscowlled

the greatest hero you've never heard of

You're going to die in your best friend's arms. And you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, you've memorized it, it's all you know. I say the phrases that keep it all going, and everybody plays along. Imagine: Someone's pulling a gun, and you're jumping in the middle of it. You didn't think you'd feel this way.      — Richard Siken

 NAME. Michael Jon Carter
 ALIAS. Booster Gold
 GENDER. Cis Male (He / Him)
 BIRTHDATE. 29 December 2442
 RESIDENCE. Metropolis, USA
 REL. STATUS. Single
 RELIGION. Atheist °
 ORIENTATION. Bisexual (Male pref.)
 SPECIES. Homosapian
 HEIGHT. 6'5" / 196 cm
 WEIGHT. 215 lbs / 98 kg
 EYE COLOUR. Baby Blue
 HAIR COLOUR. Golden Blonde
 BUILD. Mesomorph
 COMPLEXION. Caucasian / Tanned

 LANGUAGES.  Esperanto ( Native ) ; English ( Native ) ; Interlac ( A2 ) AFFILIATIONS.  Justice League International ; Justice League America ; Time Masters / formerly : Super Buddies ; Extreme Justice ; Conglomerate FAMILY.  ancestors : Daniel carter, Rose Levin. ° / parents : Jonar "Jon" Carter ( father ), Ellen Carter ✝ ( mother ) / siblings : Michelle Ellen Carter ( twin sister ) / children : "Rip Hunter" ( son ), Rani Carter ( adoptive daughter )° Booster is half-Jewish "via Rose Levin" (1); however, Booster himself identifies as an Atheist.

the greatest story never told

When opportunity arises, you have to seize it! That’s an idea that has driven Michael Jon Carter, a college football star of the 25th Century who earned the nickname "Booster" on the field. Even though people assured him a professional career of fame and fortune was in his future, he decided he couldn’t wait and wagered on his own games. The scandal halted his dreams of professional stardom and ruined his reputation. Taking a job as a security guard in the Metropolis Space Museum, Booster saw another opportunity after studying the early age of superheroes. With future and alien technology stolen from the museum, and a time machine that was on display, he realized he could not only become a superhero himself in a past era where his criminal history was unknown, but he could also make his good deeds profitable.With his robot pal Skeets at his side, Booster time-travelled to the modern age and debuted as "Booster Gold." For years now, he’s fought evil alongside different versions of the Justice League and his good pal Ted Kord, the second Blue Beetle. Recently, Booster Gold has broadened his scope and acts as a protector of history itself. Though always eager to take credit for good deeds on social media or sign with a well-paying sponsor, Booster is a good guy at heart and will drop everything if he genuinely sees someone in need.


 ALIGNMENT.   hero : a person who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good. MORAL ALIGNMENT.   neutral good : typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. has no problems with cooperating with lawful officials, but does not feel beholden to them. in the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a lawful good character would. ENNEAGRAM.   type 3 (the achiever) : are self-assured, attractive, and charming. ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious. no matter how success is defined, they will try to become somebody noteworthy. MYERS-BRIGGS.   ENFP-T (the campaigner) : a true free spirit. they are often the life of the party, but are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. these people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. TEMPERAMENT.   sanguine : highly talkative, enthusiastic, active, and social. sanguines tend to be more extroverted and enjoy being part of a crowd ; they find that being social, outgoing, and charismatic is easy to accomplish. individuals with this personality have a hard time doing nothing and engage in more risk seeking behavior. MAIN TROPE.   warts and all : despite his flaws, booster really is the hero he presents himself as.


Booster does not have any powers of his own. He is an average adult male — albeit a handsome one — with the strength of someone who works out quite frequently. Any so-called "powers" he's acquired are all because of his equipment.The only "power" Booster possesses is retrocognition (the ability of some characters to look or know of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means), due to being from the future. EQUIPMENT. 
legion flight ring. : controlled by mental impulses. allows booster to fly almost unlimited distances at high speeds. previously owned by superman.
wrist blasters. : allow controlled bursts of energy that can stun a man or blow a hole in concrete. the power level is controlled from the glove. stolen from the space museum.visor. : booster's visor is outfitted with both sensory amplification devices (both auditory and visual) and a hud for targeting and threat identification.power suit. : in lieu of any metahuman powers, booster gold uses an advanced microcircuitry-powered all-purpose combat suit that allows him a wide range of options to use in combat. the suit allows booster to have:
enhanced durability. : the suit is extremely durable, very lightweight, and easy to wear. the suit itself is able to withstand bullets without losing its integrity (although being shot hurts).
superhuman strength. :  the microcircuitry woven into the mesh affords booster a high measure of super-strength, enough to easily shift twenty tons - and a great deal more if he exerts himself.
force field generation. :  built into the suit is brainic 5's force field belt, which as was also stolen from the space museum by booster. it is capable of generating a force field that is powerful enough to take a direct punch from doomsday and leave booster intact. (this, however, did fry the force field. eventually, the suit itself didn't fare much better either.)
time-travel circuitry. : booster has time-travel circuitry built into his suit, enabling him to travel through the time stream, both into the past and the future. the suit has since been upgraded by rip hunter to enable him to traverse chronal anomalies without any adverse effects.Skeets : a security robot developed by kord industries in the 25th century, used in the space museum where booster stole his equipment. booster gold's sidekick.

alternative timelines

  VERSE NAME.                 main              TIME MASTER
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum, nisi sagittis varius consequat, ligula mi auctor urna, non tristique risus nunc vel lacus. Ut venenatis erat scelerisque, gravida ipsum eget, dignissim orci. Duis placerat et odio in faucibus. Phasellus imperdiet diam consectetur bibendum aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In mattis sem eu dolor scelerisque, quis iaculis erat mattis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum, nisi sagittis varius consequat, ligula mi auctor urna, non tristique risus nunc vel lacus. Ut venenatis erat scelerisque, gravida ipsum eget, dignissim orci. Duis placerat et odio in faucibus. Phasellus imperdiet diam consectetur bibendum aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In mattis sem eu dolor scelerisque, quis iaculis erat mattis.
  VERSE NAME.                                 LANTERN CORPS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum, nisi sagittis varius consequat, ligula mi auctor urna, non tristique risus nunc vel lacus. Ut venenatis erat scelerisque, gravida ipsum eget, dignissim orci. Duis placerat et odio in faucibus. Phasellus imperdiet diam consectetur bibendum aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In mattis sem eu dolor scelerisque, quis iaculis erat mattis.
  VERSE NAME.                               MINI DESCRIPTION
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum, nisi sagittis varius consequat, ligula mi auctor urna, non tristique risus nunc vel lacus. Ut venenatis erat scelerisque, gravida ipsum eget, dignissim orci. Duis placerat et odio in faucibus. Phasellus imperdiet diam consectetur bibendum aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In mattis sem eu dolor scelerisque, quis iaculis erat mattis.